Teachers play a major role in the development
of a child’s personality & character.
A highly qualified and dedicated team of teachers
adorn the faculty list of the school. Teachers
help the child not only in academics but also
help them to learn music, drawing, painting,
games & sports, theatre etc. the combination
of these helps the child to be innovative.
Special care is taken
to enhance the child’s ability to communicate
in English especially to children coming from
non- English speaking families & regional
Highly qualified, experienced and dedicated
staffs are employed, who besides being well-trained
to instruct in the classrooms, are genius and
co-operative and always available to help the
• Audio-Visual
teaching AIDs-(Smart Class): Our school
has necessary Audio-Visual aids needed for inter-active
teaching, like overhead projector, slide projector,
different audio-cassettes, teaching software
Education System:
The medium of instruction is English
and great care is taken to develop fluency and
accuracy in the language. The importance of
Hindi and regional language is stressed and
a high standard of proficiency is developed
in these languages. The school prepares boys
and girls for the examinations. Extensive use
of audio-visual aids is made in teaching in
the “ Smart Class” with the help
of LCD projector. Computer studies are compulsory.
The teaching is not confined only to the walls
of classrooms but is also imparts by physically
taking the students to Banks, Post offices,
Railway Station,
Research Institutes, Trade Fairs, other public
utilities and industries. Remedial classes for
weak students are also conducted. Throughout
the year. Extra classes are also conducted during
summer vacation for weak students identified
by the teachers.
Day-Boarding facilities are available for the
students. Day – boarders will follow the
same routine as full-boarders will follow the
same routine as full-borders except the sleeping
hours. The school will provide meal-break, lunch
& snacks, to the day boarders.
Games & Co-curricular Activities:
Regular creative and Cultural activities, excursion,
camps and educational trips are organised as
part of the training. The clubs and societies
develop the child in areas of English and Hindi
debating, dramatics, creative writing &
Poetry recitation, Gardening, Quiz, Chess, Mathematics,
Electronics, nature, Scholastics, Publication
includes an annual school magazine. Every student
is encouraged to take part in Extra-Curricular
activities of his choice. Extra efforts are
put in and coaching is given to a child in the
area where he excels in particular. Inter-house
competitions are regularly held. Every child
is encouraged to participate in games like Cricket,
Football, Netball, Volleyball, Basket ball,
Badminton, Table Tennis, yoga and Physical Exercises
also form a part of their daily routine-beside
sports debates, Essay-Writing, dramatics, tours
and trekking, hobbies, Publications, special
interest clubs including community services.
Boarding House:- The boarding
house is infact a home away from home where
the children are under full care and able guidance
of a caring warden. The Dormitories are spacious,
airy and well ventilated. Extra care is taken
to provide wholesome and nutritious vegetarian
and non-vegetarian food.
The residential wing of the school has well
lighted and airy dormitories, Dining Hall, Recreation
Room, Neat & Clean Hygienic Kitchen with clean
drinking water. Children are kept under the
guidance of an able Warden/Matron, who is caring
& loving.
The academy has computer department for education
purposes from class I onwards and is connected
with INTERNET for world education programme.
Computer lab is available to the Boarders at
fixed time every day.
• Computer Education:
Keeping the need of the time in mind,
we have made arrangement and installed latest
computers with different modern software
to make the students
will-versed in computer skill. This is a spiritual
and an inextricable idea, hence the computer
course haven been made compulsory not only this,
students are also given opportunity to do practical
programming. They are also encouraged to have
their own internet ID. Apart form the computer
education, the school has provide opportunity
to each and every student to learn more about
different subjects/topics on computer through
• Excursion:
This is the regular feature of the
school. Students go on educational excursion
to break the monotony from their day to day
affairs. Students are sent on educational trips
preferably to Historical places, Biological
Parks, Sciesnce centres and other natural sites
along with teachers and guides. This is organized
to make them aware of the facts of our civilization
and co-relate their theoretical studies.
• Transport:
vans and buses are available for transportation
• Security and Safety:
as critical as any other aspect of life at the
campus is the safety and security of the children.
Professionally trained security personnel watch
over the totally fenced campus round-the-clock
on guard as well. At no point in time are visitors
allowed into the campus without prior appointment
and proper identification. The security personnel
maintain a continuous vigil on the movement
of men and materials in and out of school campus.
• Arts
& Crafts:
Picture painted with the brushes of imagination
and filled in with the colours of dreams.
SIS, conscious of the
wholesome aspect to student’s growth
provided by the fine Arts, Music, Dance, Literature
and theatre not only free the spirit but also
develop character and leadership. People,
especially young minds, with artistic interests
tend to look at life from a more mature and
inspired point of view. This changes one’s
attitude towards learning for an entire lifetime.
• Experimental
To learn is to know. To put learning into
practice is to understand the worth of knowledge.
To learn from practice is to transform learning
into wisdom. Numerous skills that cannot be
taught in the class room are dispersed through
these activities:-
• Presentation • Project work
• Inter-class & inter-house activities
• Group Discussions • Quizzing
• Drama & Cultural Show
• Models & Chart Making •
Debates • Declamation • Seminar
• Essay-Writing / Story Writing
• Inter-House
Our school will organize inter-house competitions
in the fields of Inter house competitions
in the fields of –
• Debates • Declamation •
Essay-Writing • Story Writing •
Cultural Show • Basket Ball •
Volley ball • Badminton • Football
• Cricket • Athletics •
Cross – country Race • Kabaddi